I have been reading posts and blogs on the internet from people assuming that because body jewelry is priced low, that the jewelry is of low quality. Stupid assumption. A lower price doesn't necessarily imply poor quality! Someone asked in a post, "How much should I pay for XYZ?" Someone replied, "look for the higher priced XYZs and you'll be getting quality stuff." How stupid does one have to be to post such a ridiculous reply.
If two shop owners paid the same price for an item to sell, Then I'm assuming you are going to buy the one that is the most expensive. Well, first of all, one would be a total idiot to believe this. Secondly, there will be shop owners losing business and after
a period of time, going out of business. Let's use our brain for a second. Prices can be lower to be competitive, or prices can be lower to attract business. If your prices are low, you are likely to have repeat business. There's something about what you are selling if people continue to make a 2nd and 3rd purchase. Sure, some items will cost more due to the item being a speciality. Take a hand carved item for instance. The price may be determined by the material the item is carved from, availability of material, time in carving the item, shipping if not local, and the overall cost incurred by the shop owner.
I'm assuming people still price shop. Two stores are selling the same exact tv. The tv is $800 in store A, and the same tv is $650 in store B. Which tv are you going to buy? Let me guess. The more expensive one. Is the cheaper tv inferior to the one costing $150 more? Uh-h-h no. Which store will sell more TVs? I hope you get my point here.
Some friends actually admitted to paying $12.99 FOR A BELLY RING! My eyes started to bulge out. The belly ring fell apart in a matter of days. It was junk. Trust me when I tell you this, "ALOT of people are selling overpriced junK!" Are they going to buy from this shop again? Who knows? I do know one thing. I wouldn't! That's where "word of mouth" comes in. If your quality is bad, word will spread quicker than a California wildfire. Then again, if your quality is good and priced right, word will spread equally the same.
Take a look at our flared plugs and tunnels and compare prices. That's carnelian stone, green jade, tiger eye, black onyx, turquoise, just to name a few. Take your pick of categories: Acrylic, Stone, Wood, Bone, or Surgical Steel. Here are some links:
Organic Plugs & GaugesIndustrial Barbells